Primalozza Module Quest
Emisuna, goddess of the wild, chose a great warrior named Tekoa to father several of her children, demigods called Aeons.
In her name, the great warrior began a conquest of the Free Lands. Those of the Lau-Jiin, Sion-Tang, Yan-Fang, Rapina, Heroran, and Ataraxian armies became collectively afraid of Tekoa's conquest and therefore conspired to betray him. In order to do so, they had to “Bind” the Aeons, which transformed them into natural anomalies.
This binding came at a great cost: The Lau-jiin pledged protection of the Animus tribes; the Rapina pledged a vegan lifestyle, meaning no needless slaughter of animals for clothing, food or sport; Ataraxia pledged safe haven to any human of the Free Lands within its 1000 mountain towers, while Herora pledged no military or religious invasion for millennia to come.
Although in magical stasis these natural anomalies still have great power, and that is because the souls of the demigods rest within these anomalies.
In present time, a chieftain discovers orbs of pure magic and is seeing more from several clandestine sources. He prays for great bounty for his tribe and great bounty therefore becomes of him, but he grows older, weakens, falls ill. Wizards who study the pure magic orbs extensively understand that the chieftain's life-force isn't required to power the spells through the pure magic orbs. Any blood force will suffice to strengthen the spells he casts. The chieftain calls upon his followers to offer their blood, and many oblige out of desire for proof. During the very first ritual sacrifice the Chieftain offers himself, and becomes under the possession of a vengeful spirit called the Wendigo, who demonstrates great power to the tribes.
The Wendigo's goals are: to take over the Free Lands, kill or submit all opposition, find the necropolis where Emisuna's husband is kept hidden and well-guarded, and cast a spell of resurrection upon him. Once risen, Tekoa will continue his quest of domination. He will begin by discovering if his children are alive or dead and whether or not they can be saved from the natural stasis. There are few characters powerful enough to cast the spell. Invoking a long banished Emisuna could have devastating effects on humanity.
The Omniterra tribe has begun to invade territories other tribes of the land need to survive. The tribe of the story, the tribe of Ancient Darkness, believes they are in grave danger if they stay where they are. Naturally nomadic, they take to travel away from the growing threat of the war zone.
Two separate communities form:
One that is to travel to the coast to begin building ships to evade the Omniterra tribe, since they are a land-locked tribe without a naval force. Their hope is to make their way to Ningsia, an island to the west, or further south, in lands belonging to the Rapina. They may or may not be welcome in either case, but they believe they can get support from those civilizations if they can prove the Omniterra are dangerous enough. The North is off-limits, because the Omniterra have made their base in that region.
On the other hand, some folks form warrior-scout parties that are intended to out-pace and keep track of Omniterra movements, and warn peaceful tribes, including their nomadic contingency, of impending danger. This latter movement is much more militaristic, and focused on violent opposition to the Omniterra. Its quests have to do with sabotage, theft, assassination, kidnapping and interrogating enemies, rescuing allies, evading enemy forces, and winning open-field skirmishes.
Quest lines- beginning
A - North
0 Beginning Zone
In Media Res
1 chapter One:
a gathering at the base
Encounter A
Encounter B
Encounter C
2 chapter Two:
travel towards war tribunal
Encounter A: mountain
Encounter B: forest
Encounter C: river
3 chapter
Three: war tribunal hideout
Encounter A
Encounter B
Encounter C
4 War Tribunal
Primary Mission
Encounter A: Triggered upon exit well north of town. Raid led by Jackal-bat.
B - South
0 Beginning Zone
1 chapter One:
n/s of the mountain
Encounter A
Encounter B
Encounter C
2 chapter Two:
abandoned outpost
Encounter A
Encounter B
Encounter C
3 chapter
Three: the ocean in sight
Encounter A
Encounter B
Encounter C
4 Coastal
region construction zone
Apex Monster fight A
leads to opening of two hubs and associated quests.
* * *
The women and children of the tribe relocate their civilization miles beyond a mountain near the ocean, where there is some fertile land.
They are working on keeping makeshift villages and building boats to escape the impending conflict. Those that remain to build the ships will eventually have to deal with raiders. If the raiders are not all killed or persuaded to their side, the location of the tribe will be given up.
There are monsters in the mountains, above and below, coming out to feed.
The supply trains will need escorts, therefore.
The sick need healing.
Everyone needs food, water, adequate shelter, and social love.
If boats are built, and the community decides to travel to Ningsia:
And envoy lives, karma rating is set to 50
If envoy dies, karma rating is set to 20
Internment camps.
Ningsia is a land of people mostly hailing from Lau-Jiin, Yan-fang, and Sion-Tang dynasties.
If boats are built, travel south towards Rapina
Disparate villages Karma Rating, 0-35; successful quests can yield aid/guide to Rapina, improving karma rating from 0- 25.
Successful language-check (INT) can improve karma rating by 25, up to 50.
The Rapina are wary of strangers, especially those they consider barbaric. However, some are moved by the obvious lack of intent to harm, obvious need for help. They may yet be able to find aid; if not towards the war, then at least toward the safety of the women and children.
* * *
At the beginning the Omniterra number over 10,000 in armed forces. The tribe of Ancient Darkness numbers about 100 in armed forces. The rest of the Animus-Primalozza land would make for close to 40,000 armed forces but they are not unified. Of these 40,000 approximately 2,000 are actively opposed to the Omniterra (and form a war tribunal), the rest are neutral. 38,000 people remain to choose a side, which lessens every day as the Omniterra tribe expands their territory through cultural and military victories – without resistance this won't take very long (no more than a year). The composition of the final battles are determined by who is left, and who sides with who. Quests can increase your karma ratings and earn you companions, friends, benefactors, and alliances with the tribes which will aid in the final battle. Ultimately it is also possible to side with the Omniterra, or at least surrender, and retain life within their rule. Lastly it is possible to banish the vengeful spirit afflicting the leader of the Omniterra, which will end his conquest.
On map, bold battle signs indicate Omniterra objective sites.
Best case:
Omniterra 30,000
Animus-Primalozza: 20,000
After approximately two years, Omniterra can be driven back to surrender.
Worst case:
Omniterra 45,000
Animus Primalozza: 5,000.
Will have an enormous challenge to fight the Omniterra back; full invasion very likely within six months.
The Omniterra win if:
They fully take over the continent.
The Wendigo secures both a way to resurrect the fallen warrior Tekoa and is able to find his hidden burial site.
If the Omniterra take over but then the Wendigo is banished, a tribunal/parliamentary democracy forms throughout the continent. One of the Chieftain's sons takes over in his place, though a cult devoted to Emisuna, Tekoa, and the Aeons persists in secret.
If the Animus-Primalozzans win, the Omniterra will surrender.
If the Wendigo is banished, the Omniterra will surrender and offer restitution to the remaining tribes.
The player is intended to strike a balance between the ship-building community and the community of scout and raid parties. Building ships and making new allies can assist in driving back the Omniterra and also grant absolute safe haven to the women and children of the tribes. If one totally focuses on the scout-parties, monsters and fringe raiders will become too much for the other part of the tribe to handle; innocent lives are at stake. If one totally focuses on the ship-building community, however, then the Omniterra will take over the region extremely fast and there will be incredible casualties along the way.
Striking a balance between them means there will be secretive trade routes and safe passage for refugees.
Quest line
P-A Battle line A: Eastern, Tower-mountains, Omniterra Fortress, northern forest, eastern omniterra palace tower/dungeons.
P-A Battle line B: Western, plains, marshes, lake, temple of Aeon
Omniterra Battle Line: will expand in 3 directions until all coasts are reached.
Completed objectives, converted towns, and recruited allies all add to the resistance rating
Some are worth 1 point, some 3 points, some 5 points.
Sabotage: 1 point
Ambush: 1 point
Assassination: 1 point
Village/town: 3 point
Factions (Lau-jiin, Rapina, Herora, and Ningsia) are worth 5 points each
Resistance rating
0: No resistance: 0 objectives, 99% chance of invasion within 3-6 months.
25: Low resistance: 6 objectives, 75% chance of invasion within 6-9 months.
50: Medium resistance: 12 objectives, 50% chance of invasion within 12 months.
75: High Resistance: 16 objectives, 25% chance of invasion within 18 months.
100: Full resistance: 24 objectives, 1% chance final stand results in invasion after 24 months.
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