HAUNTED HEARTS Prerequisite:

You feel responsible for the death or fall of another presumably innocent individual, and your conscience will never let you forget it.

STR: 40 INT: 15

AGI: 30 PER: 20

END: 35 CHA: 10

SPA 42 70 90 (70)

HEA 42 70 100 (120)

CLU 20 40 50

WEAPON: any melee 2h; throwing weapon.


A – Weapon bond: “Rose on Fire” (+5% to hit)


2 – Bone Rattle


3 – Specialization: “Hope for the Wrong Thing” (+10% to hit with bonded weapon)

Skull Flash

1 BA+stun

4 – 2 attacks

bash – push against STR check -- and bludgeon (on crit, stagger)

reap (15 ft AoE)

5 –

thundering and dark (on crit, stun)

Tremble the Earth (on crit, knock down)

Pummeling Drive (make 2 BA. If both land, deal additional 2d6 endurance damage)

6 – Expertise “Love of the Wrong Thing” (gain +15% to hit, +2 damage with weapon bond)

Cry of Anguish: 1 BA+5d6. This attack deals extra damage based on heart cards lost (+1d6 per card, up to 6d6)

Fury (2 BA, if both successful gain 3rd BA)

puncture and impale (make two attacks; if first attack is successful, the second ignores DR caused by Armor. If first attack is a critical success, the second attack – if also successful – deals damage to the Body)

7 – 3 attacks

Unyielding agony: make 3 BA. If any attacks are critical hits, opponent must make an END save or fall prone, writhing in pain, for 1 full turn.

bone-shattering: cause penalty to target movement based on degree of success, up to -5. A critical strike applies the crippled status instead.

8 –

Merciful Wrath – permanent ability damage dealt is doubled. critical strikes against defenseless are tripled instead of doubled. 

From the Ruins – if prone or knocked down by melee attacker, regain footing immediately to make leaping attack. If successful deal additional 6d6 damage

9 – Mastery “A History of Doubt” (+20% to hit, +3 damage with bonded weapon)

skull crushing: critical strikes cause wound to head based on degree of success, even if defender was not 'defenseless'

transcendent judge: leaping attack that deals +9d6 damage and is an indefensible knockdown.



Up to Medium Armor Proficiency, +1 DR/+STR/AGI saves/+1 movement




Up to Medium Armored Casting Proficiency

Counter Attack (Block)


+DR against Projectiles

Forego movement to add a parry attempt


Moving Meditation: +2 ADR – INT, PER, CHA

Use END save against trip attempts


* connotes that when Heart is lost, a spirit is conjured to the world. In these instances, they often don't do anything except haunt your character. They take up no space, only move when you move, cannot attack or be attacked. 


Lost Soul – when card is tapped from taking damage, gain +1 BA immediately.


Hungry Ghost* – when card is tapped, you take -5% to skill checks, but your attacks heal you 1 point for each degree of success. Once tapped, this card cannot be untapped until you've rested at least 6 hours.


Spirit of Wrath – when card is tapped, you lose 1 perception/turn for 10 turns; gain +10% to weapon attacks and +4 damage to all attacks. Can snap out of the trance at the end of your own turn.


Vengeful Spirit* – when card is tapped, against the foe that damaged you, you gain +10% to weapon attacks, +2 damage; furthermore, all critical strikes apply one of 3 status effects: staggered, stunned, or knocked down


Tortured Soul –gain 3 ADR and additional +15% to all saves for 10 turns


Tragic End – while tapped, re-roll 1 critical strike against you per day


Dead Soul – tap card to gain spade or club card of equal value into your hand, unless that card is a healing spell. Once card is tapped, cannot be untapped until you've rested for at least 6 hours.


Ancestral Guardian* (passive): gain +15% to defense checks and +3 DR when protecting an ally. When tapped, will protect you from KO, sleep, and stun status effects – by creating a dream that you must wake up from immediately.


Righteous Spirit* – you can choose to take damage against any ally within reach; if you do so, you may make 1 counter attack which adds +3d6 damage.


Dispossessed – while tapped, inspire allies within sight of you. They gain +25% to all skill checks.


The Soul Incarnate – become ethereal for 10 turns, gaining +8 DR. Your basic attacks add 5d6 cold damage which is not subjected to a save. 


The Reincarnated Self – when tapped gain +25% to all saving throws, +2 initiative bonus, and +2 DR to body


Eternal Love – for 20+ turns, all damage you take heals allies within 50 ft of you.



Ethereal Weapon – for 5+PER turns, damage with weapon bypasses all DR that isn't provided by magic

Communion with the Dead: For 3 turns, gain +1d6 to damage to 1 weapon attack per turn for every spirit summoned, up to 5d6.


Ghost Stride – gain +4 DR, +25% bonus to hide/move silently, ability to pass through solid surface

Spectral Shield – for 20 turns, gain +2 DR and +10% to saves


Conjure Spirit – for 3 turns, causes fear against CHA save and heals caster and/or allies 1d6+PER


Spirit Circle – allies within circle gain inspiration bonus. +% to all skill checks.


Summon Revenant – for y turns, spirit coordinates its attacks with yours


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