Primalozza - CLASS - Cloud Walker

“reach and breach“

very physical class, ideally suited for second-line assault, that uses weapons with reach or range combined with high speed and agility to keep attackers at bay.

tier 3 attributes

STR 40 AGI 50 CON 40 INT 20 PER 20 CHA 20

diamond 16 32 48 64

spade 20 40 60 80

heart 16 32 48 64


trip, push, defend, stun, disarm, maim, counter/bonus, tranquil mind, damage leech

diving attack, ability damage (agility, strength, intelligence, perception), intense focus

Self-heal y (first tick) +xd6+endurance (last tick) bonus over y turns

unarmed strikes count as magical for x turns and add 1-5 damage each
Bonus to ruin concentration of spell caster

Counter Attack that pushes opponent back a space (against strength check)

Attack that hooks opponent and pulls them prone (against strength check)

Use spear or sword staff to move opponent's shield. Triggers attacks of opportunity and next attack ignores the DR of the shield.

Any AoE with staff-like weapon causes trip (low), stun (mid) or knockout (high).

Passive: All BA add 1-5 Endurance damage, 1-5 strength damage, 1-5 intelligence damage, 1-5 or agility damage

5%- 25% Bonus to attacks specifically targeting opponent attributes, degree of success increases damage at double the rate

Active: strike causes paralysis on failed END save. Passive: Any time an opponent reaches zero endurance to your attacks they are paralyzed until healed.

A: successful BA and A/O add (1-5) extra unarmed damage per degree of success, counts toward the instant of damage done, rather than as an independent instant of damage








DIAMOND – Cloud Walk

A: Movement avoids attack of opportunity on successful agility check. Each opponent beyond the first causes a -5% penalty.

Balance: Using terrain to add rather than detract from movement

Make a 5 foot step in any direction after successful attack, counts as free action

2: Dark Cloud: Flanking adds damage

Rainbow Cloud: Adds height and length to leaps based on diamond skill.

You can sacrifice your movement phase to add skill (5%-25%) and damage (1-5) to next attack, or reduce cool down on a Card of equal or lesser value by (1).


Swirling Storm: your natural speed allows you to add AoE to BA: ¼, ½, ¾, full with no damage penalty

Can make all basic attacks mid air

Cold Cloud: strikes against you cause attacker AGI (1-5) damage and immobilization

4: Can spend movement to heal self

Do damage equal to movement bonus to any opponents you pass by within reach during movement phase -- does not itself count as a basic attack or AoE damage

5 Can spend parts of movement phase to replenish mental ability score (5 feet = 1-5 ability score)

Dissipate: for 1 turn become immaterial to avoid most forms of damage

6: Lightning strikes: add basic attack as free action, cannot be stacked with any other attack as free action passive.

“Acid Precipitation” : physical damage taken while Cloud Walk is enabled can be replicated and returned towards attacker as an attack of opportunity

Sky fall


1 unfazed

Counter-dodge (successful dodge creates AoO): + free 5-foot move

Lose attack % to gain Defense %

2 Medium Armor, Light armor, unarmored

Anticipate: spend an action to add to dodge %


Evasion bonus (agility)

Bonus % to dodge for x turns

4 Ability damage save bonus

Mental save bonus (PER +15%)

5 Ability damage reduction (applies after successful or failed save)

Counter-parry (successful parry creates A/O) = trip/flip/stun

Health save bonus (endurance)

6 Blood purge: clear negative y status effects relating to disease, poison, mental illness

Ability damage regeneration (per turn, triggered by ability damage, starting with most severe)


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