Saluma, Shapeshifter, female

STR 15 INT 10

AGI 25 PER 30

END 30 CHA 30

Born and raised in the sewers, Saluma spends the last decade above the surface, scrounging for survival. A lot of the look of being homeless stays with her. In this time she becomes a healer of the destitute. Among them are members of the Thieves Guild, who earn her sympathy – to the point she eventually joins their ranks.

As of now, the Thieves Guild banks on her resentment of the wealthier classes of society, as she sees them as standing on the necks of the working and poorer classes. She defends thieves who steal out of material necessity. More than once she has used her magical powers to lift a thief from jail. On a more day to day basis, however, she is one of the Thieves Guild's most relied-upon nurses. Their medicine earns them popularity among the poorer stations of society. In this role she mostly relies on the knowledge of a physician, but not always. She can scarcely read and can only write very slowly, making many errors along the way.

From time to time she also serves as a spy. Her ability to shapeshift into various inconspicuous creatures allows her to excel where others would surely fail.

Her preferred forms for these duties are: field mouse, snake, spider, and crow.

Equipment: hide, 1h staff, totems, healing reagents

H 32

C 48

D 24



Primal Intuition: Light armor passive: +1 movement, +5% evasion

Endless Empathy: Spend Hearts; only aces may be used. For each heart spent, heal other for 1d6+CHA. These Hearts are only restored through rest. As a free action, you may also tap Aces of Clubs, multiplying the healing effect by the number of Aces spent. You cannot heal yourself with this ability and it is not subjected to counterspells. 


Premonition: any time you forego your movement phase, you gain +10% to dodge and +10% to evasion saves till your next turn.

Passive: tapping this card due to taking damage returns a club card, but it cannot be used until your turn.


Add +15% to defend against A/O triggered by spell casting

Light armor passive: +10% evasion, +5% dodge


A –

summon carrion feeder (pest)

stone shape

healing food

purify water

2 –

summon rodents or birds

constricting web


pacify creature

3 –

sewage pit

cure disease

summon large spider or snake

protective hut

4 –


toxic mist


sweet weather rains



river walk, while tapped gain +1 movement and +10% dodge


mist walk, (passive): while moving gain +10% bonus to heart checks against A/O. In addition, you may tap this card to be free from immobilization, including grapple. Tapping this card disables its passive. 


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