Premade Character -- Quza No Ha, Xynobi Soldier
Motivation: Upholding the Vows of the Aeon
40 INT 15
AGI 15 PER 20
END 40 CHA 30
Spade: 42
Heart: 42
Diamond: 20
INI: 1
MS: 6
DR: 7-9
BHP: 24
HP: 20
Equipment: 1h sword and 1h shield, chain armor
Quza is young and happy, from a long lineage of Xynobi and Kamiuzi. Takes his sense of honor to heart. And while Quza is honorable and noble, he has a devilish ancillary personality that helps him defend himself in social situations. He can be both temperamental and ornery, and charm is not in his repertoire. A bit of a show off at times. A ladies' man but sworn to abstinence from all sexual relations. Doesn't get insulted very easily, he is usually too aloof or even dense to realize when someone is insulting him. Bull-headed and stubborn, once he decides a way of doing things it is difficult to steer him from his chosen path. Tends to lack subtlety in general. He never prays in public. He tries his absolute best to protect the vows of the Aeon and defend the precepts of his Martial Order:
never kill – and always defend – the innocent
feed and shelter the poor; and do not steal from the poor
own little, desire less
invent peaceful means over violent means
choose violence over cowardice
Quza is tall and lanky with pale-tan skin that is soft to the touch. His black feathery hair is short around the horse-shoe and a tad longer on top, which he idly plays with to make it stick up in the front. Clean-shaven or else just barely unshaven. Narrow eye sockets, lightning blue eyes. A long, narrow rectangular nose. He holds his head down in strange company, as a sign of respect. His lips are wire thin but his straight-tooth smile is huge. Quza is immaculately in shape. Strong shoulders, and wide back, eight muscles showing on his stomach. Long-legged. Long but narrow feet, would seem to be an excellent swimmer. His street clothing is a blue, brown, or black button down jacket that drops to his upper quad. Black cloth gloves, black trousers, and black boots with buckles, a black bolero that is exceptionally wide-brimmed. The sword he carries has one serrated side near the hilt, its point shaped like an arrow-head. He will wear a sheath for this sword, which bears a silver dragon, the symbol of the Shao-Ming Dynasty.
One Act (technique): initiative bonus +1, A/O damage bonus equal to half your highest spade card rounded down.
Bloodlust (stance): while tapped, add +5% bonus to Spade checks and +2 blood pool damage to any target that has already taken damage.
Thrust: (weapon strike): cause bleeding, adding +1 blood pool damage for 3 turns. Add +3 blood pool damage if opponent is affected by a negative status effect aside from bleeding.
Paired Praxis (stance): prerequisite (20 diamond skill level) when this card is tapped, you are constantly looking for advantageous positioning in combat. When you or your ally gain flank, the first of your attacks deals an extra 2d6 damage (subsequent attacks on that turn do not gain the bonus damage). One person opposite you adds +1d6 damage to all their successful attacks, however. The bonuses hold each turn as long as you and your ally are flanking an opponent.
Second Arrow (technique): you gain 1 free A/O/turn if a flanked target is struck by an ally. If you hit, add 1d6+4 to the damage you deal.
Forceful cut (weapon strike): make a basic attack in melee, adding 1d6 blood pool damage for 3 turns.
Three Defilements (technique): your attack deals +1d6 blood pool damage for 4 turns, but also attempts to apply two negative status effects, stagger and immobilize.
Sever the Edge (stance): while this card is tapped, you lose -2 damage to all attacks but add +2 DR and +10% to defense checks, including END saves.
Spinning downward crescent (weapon strike), make one BA +2d6 damage. If opponent fails STR check, they are knocked down.
Four Wheels of Fire (Technique): Gain free +highest diamond card of movement this turn. Make two melee attacks. If the attacks are made consecutively (not necessarily against same target),gain a third attack with your shield, which deals 1+1d0+STR damage.
Mindset of a Killer (Stance): while this card is tapped, against any targets that bleed, a successful attack will cause a wound, initiating the bleeding status, which deals damage equal to number of wounds to target's BP. The wound is closed if the target's BP is healed. If opponent is already bleeding, you add 1d6 to the blood pool per successful strike till the end of your turn. Any time you have taken damage, you gain +2 DR, +1 ADR, and +10% to one defensive skill: parry, block, OR dodge.
Bash and Overhand (shield and weapon strike): Unleash a powerful attack that penalizes all target's defensive skill checks by 10%. Overhand blow deals +3d6 damage, staggering opponent if they fail an END save.
Immovable Wisdom
gain bonus to saves against being stunned, tripped, staggered. This
bonus is based on your heart skill level. At level 1, you gain +5%.
At level 3 this improves to +10%, at level 5 +15%, level 7 +20%, and
25% at level 9.
Black Heart
You may spend x hearts to add x to your damage roll at any time.
Unfettered Mind
Gain +5% bonus to saves and +1 ADR –> INT, PER, CHA
Without A Second
As a triggered action, you are able to recover from a prone or defenseless position as a result of being knocked down, tripped, pushed/pulled, or staggered
Moon by the Window: As a triggered action, once per turn, when an ally within 5 feet of you takes damage you may choose to defend against the attack instead.
(passive) Counter Attack: When you successfully block an attack you trigger an attack of opportunity if available.
The Gentleman's Glory
Gain +1 DR for 4 turns after a successful block or parry attempt.
Allies receive +5% bonus to all defense checks when they are behind you in battle.
Illuminated Heart
You may tap this card to heal an ally within 50 ft for 16+CHA bonus instantly.
proficiency passive): +10% to block checks while a shield is
Raised Spirits
One time per long rest, when you take 4 or more damage you may un-tap a spade card (up to 4th level) that had previously been played.
(Passive) Whenever at full health you gain additional +2 ADR → INT, PER, CHA
Feint (passive): Counter Attacks (parry) add Yd6 damage.
Small-Circle (passive): successful defense checks in melee range allow counter attack. The counter attack deals no damage but applies: trip, stagger, or stun (upon a critical strike).
(Passive) Flanking an opponent gives Yd6 damage bonus to weapon attacks.
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