Premade Character -- Kalamaia, Ender


Motivation: In service to the Rapina, joins the War Tribunal to investigate Pure Magic Orbs on behalf of the Rapina military

STR 10          INT 50

AGI 20           PER 30

END 30          CHA 20

Club: 48

Heart: 40

Diamond: 16

INI: 2

MS: 7

DR: 3

BHP: 23

HP: 10

Equipment: Robes, Wand, small pouch of alchemy reagents


Kalamaia is serious-minded but shares a gentle/dry sense of humor. She was raised through the military from a young age, and firmly believes in chain of command. A bit of a neat freak. Nervous/anxious personality – always on edge. Hyper-observant of even minute details. Prim and proper appearance, strong almost royal posture. Loud men unnerve her. Kala abhors violence but sees it as necessary at times. Fascinated by most natural phenomena. Constantly open to learning experiences. Methodical, calculated. Vegan lifestyle. Enjoys being barefoot, enjoys quiet rooms. A bit of an insomniac. Revels in instructing others – especially in alchemy.


Short in stature. Rich, very dark brown skin. Close-cropped but tightly-curled black hair. A button nose. High arrow-like cheekbones, soft curvy cheeks. Dark eyes that ever-so-slightly seem to look two different directions. Her lips are thickest beneath her nose. No wrinkles anywhere. Slender and petite body. Not muscular at all. Thin ankles and wrists. Her skin shines. Collarbone and trachea apparent beneath the skin. No face paint or make up. Wears a high choker. Several very tight bracelets on each arm, one of which is a familiar (a flying serpent). Robe has a pink chest, a green dress, and purple sleeves, which she earned though study in the Military Academy. Further study will grant her a blue cape with a gold-colored net shawl, signifying universal understanding of Rapina's schools of magic.

Upon mastery of the Prisms, she will earn a crown, two rings, and a staff of power, gifts from the Military Academy of the Rapina.




energy armor, gain +2 DR for 20 turns

burn: deal energy damage to target within 100 ft. instantly (6); END save to halve, AGI save to avoid.

passive: card can be upcast by tapping a club card (Y). The spell now deals Y+xd6+INT damage. For every additional Ace you spend (up to 4), add 1d6 to the damage pool.

push – pull (10 ft + 5 ft per Y).

paralyzing touch, touch causes paralysis for 1d6 turns, but successful END save negates entirely. 


energy shield – gain +2 DR for 20 turns, and additional +4 DR against all projectiles

invisibility – invisible on self or other for 10 (2x INT bonus) turns or until spell is dispelled

imbue weapon, 20 turns. Target weapon is considered magical, gaining +10% to hit and +2 damage rolls.

charm – target makes Charisma save; if they fail, caster's karma rating increases by 100%. If they succeed, they instead become confused for 1 turn.


energy cloak – gain +20% endurance saves for 8 turns; once cast, can be turned on and off as free action, but the spell cannot apply longer than 8 turns.

star shower: 30 ft circular AoE to any place caster can physically see: magical bolts rain from the sky dealing 8+2d6 fire damage to anyone within the AoE.

fiery javelin: spout fire up to 60 ft away in a straight 5 ft wide line. Anyone caught in the spout takes 8+2d6 energy damage; if target fails their END save the javelin triggers the burn spell, which adds 8+1d6 damage/turn for two turns

momentary confusion, cause opponent loss of all action, with the exception of basic defense for 1d6 turns. A successful save reduces loss of action to 1 turn.


star shards: summon 4 (Y) shards which hover around caster for 20 turns. You can choose a number of these shards to add +1 DR/shard as a triggered reaction. Or, on one's turn, shards can be fired at any target in sight as a free action, dealing 2d6+5 (INT) fire damage per shard. The spell ends if all shards are consumed.

wall of flame: 5x15 foot AoE that causes 2d6+5 energy (fire) damage/turn for 3 turns and can trigger “burn” spell, which deals additional 9 (Y+INT)+1d6 energy damage per turn/3 additional turns)

orb of lightning: anywhere within 60 ft, you summon 3 orbs of lightning for 3 turns. With a successful concentration check you can control the movement of the orbs of lightning. They have 5 movement and each deals 9+1d6 damage to anyone within 10 ft. Anyone taking damage must pass an END check or fall paralyzed till end of turn.

levitate, self or other. 40 foot max height. As long as you pass your concentration check, you can keep levitating yourself, but you cannot move any direction except up or down. However, when you levitate another, the spell will fail if they make successful STR check. Additionally, for every turn you hold someone else in levitation, you confer a -5 penalty to your concentration checks. Once you choose to let go of the target, or you fail the concentration check, the target falls.


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