HAUNTED HEARTS Prerequisite: You feel responsible for the death or fall of another presumably innocent individual, and your conscience will never let you forget it. STR: 40 INT: 15 AGI: 30 PER: 20 END: 35 CHA: 10 SPA 42 70 90 (70) HEA 42 70 100 (120) CLU 20 40 50 WEAPON: any melee 2h; throwing weapon. SPADE A – Weapon bond: “Rose on Fire” (+5% to hit) +staggered 2 – Bone Rattle +knockdown 3 – Specialization: “Hope for the Wrong Thing” (+10% to hit with bonded weapon) Skull Flash 1 BA+stun 4 – 2 attacks bash – push against STR check -- and bludgeon (on crit, stagger) reap (15 ft AoE) 5 – thundering and dark (on crit, stun) Tremble the Earth (on crit, knock down) Pummeling Drive (make 2 BA. If both land, deal additional 2d6 endurance damage) 6 – Expertise “Love of the Wrong Thing” (gain +15% to hit, +2 damage with weapon bond) Cry of Anguish: 1 BA+5d6. This attack deals extra damage based on heart cards lost (+1d6 per card , up to 6d6) ...