YANFANG -- CLASS -- School of Soul-transformation
In the school of soul-transformation, students learn to imbue their martial arts with magic using their own essences.
STR 25 AGI 40 END 40 INT 30 PER 30 CHA 25
Origin of the Soul: finding power within one's self (heart)
1 - spending base health points yields double damage bonus
1 - successful defense creates a/o
1- unarmored (+1 move), light (+5% evasion), or medium armor proficiency (+1 DR)
2 – defensive fighting stance: +5% block, parry, or dodge
2 – healing bonus passive (when healed gain +1 DR for an entire turn)
2 – gain endurance bonus equal to twice your highest heart card (up to 20%)
3 – intense defense: gain % bonus against single target opponent
3 – lower defense % to add damage
3 – DR 1 to all spell types, DR 2 to chosen spell type (1)
4 – armor proficiency (+5% save bonus)+ armored spell casting 1
4 – +5% saves against negative status effects; successful save against negative status effects grants bonus damage to next attack according to degree of success
4 – +10% block, parry, or dodge
5 – triggered self-heal
5 – armor proficiency (+10% saves) + armored spell casting 2
5 – taking damage adds bonus to your outgoing damage for x turns
6 – spending 6 of heart card returns both 6 of clubs and 6 of spades
6 – purge where number of effects cleansed adds damage to attacks for x turns
6 – +10% saves against negative status effects; successful save against negative status effects grants bonus damage to next attack according to degree of success
7 – spending heart card to gain 1 extra attack
7 – +4 ADR, +15% to save against Ability Damage
7 – healing bonus passive (when healed gain +3 DR for an entire turn)
8 – armor proficiency (+15% saves)+ armored spell casting 3
8 – damage reflection, up to 7d6
8 – +15% saves against negative status effects; successful save against negative status effects grants bonus damage to next attack according to degree of success
Way of the Soul: understanding how this power works (club)/ allowing use of magic buffs to weapon attacks as free action
1 – summon ethereal weapon to hand for 10 turns. This weapon ignores DR.
1 – add +1 to movement for 10 turns
2 – spell focus: choose a spell type with a damage component: add +1 damage to spells of this type equal to half your highest club card rounded down.
2 – bless weapon: whenever you deal damage, your DR increases a number equal to half your highest club skill rounded down (up to +6). the duration of this blessing is equal to highest club+highest spade (up to 20 turns) and cannot be reactivated while active.
3 – bless weapon: add +5% and +1 damage to all attacks for 6 turns.
3 – ready damage spell 1: 3+2d6 single target
3 – heal self for 3+1d6 or other for 3+2d6 instantly
4 – spell focus 2
4 – ethereal weapon: while ethereal weapon is active, attacks deal 2 STR damage, bypassing ADR; however, a successful save negates this damage altogether rather than reducing the damage by half.
4 – ready damage spell 2: 4+1d6 with 15' AoE
5 – ethereal weapon: while ethereal weapon is active, attacks deal 4 endurance damage, bypassing ADR, and heal you for damage done. A successful endurance save negates ability damage altogether.
5 – ready damage spell 3: 5+2d6 with 20' AoE
6 – spell focus 3
6 – ready damage spell 4: 6+3d6 with 25' AoE
Death of the Soul: applying the power within one's self toward outward aims (spade)// application of both hearts and clubs to damage
1: weapon focus: when using chosen weapon, add +5% chance to hit; based on your highest spade card slotted: 3: 10%, 6: 15%, 9: 20%, 12: 25%.
2: Make a basic attack, +1d6. If you spend 1 heart and 1 club, you may double your abi-bonus to damage for 3 turns.
2: Tap a two of hearts card: add +2 damage to all weapon attacks for 10 turns. If your hearts are restored, you lose this bonus.
3: Make 1 BA, add +1d6 concussive force damage, blasting opponent to their back. Save STR to negate.
3: Make 1 BA. Tap 3 hearts to cast a 3rd level spell you have slotted as a free action. The spell must have a damage component or attempt to apply a negative status effect. You do not have to tap the club card you have slotted.
4: Make 1 BA, +1d6. Prior to attack, spend 4 hearts to add +2d6 damage to attack if it is successful. If successful you may spend 4 clubs to heal yourself equal to damage dealt.
4: Make 1 BA, +3d6. Spend 4 hearts and 4 clubs to instantly make 1 BA, +3d6.
5: Make 1 BA, +3d6. As a free action you may tap a club of Y-value to add xd6 damage to the attack.
5: Make 2 BA, if each attack lands stun the opponent for 1 turn. Spend up to 10 hearts, adding a -5% penalty to opponent's save for each heart. Save negates the stun but does not impact damage.
6: Make 2 BA, add+2d6 to each attack. As a free action, you may sacrifice Y (up to 12) hearts. Add twice this value (up to 24) to the damage of each attack.
6: Make 1 BA, add +5d6. As a free action you may cast 1 damage-dealing spell up to 6th level. If you sacrifice Y (up to 12) hearts, add x (up to 11) d6 damage to the weapon attack and you do not tap this card. However, you cannot heal the tapped hearts until you gain a standard rest.
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