Xynobi are Imperial Agents, divided into three branches. The main branch is the assault unit, which specializes in city-siege and open battlefield warfare. They are weapon-masters trained in mounted combat and are trained to defend against magic attacks. They prefer usage of smaller units that utilize nuanced mobility and well-timed aggression to the tactic of pushing a mass army, which risks greater casualties on both sides.

The Assassination branch focuses on terrorism, demoralization, and usurping enemy leadership. In combat they are ruthless opportunists, using only enough magic to conceal themselves or to create escapes. Their use of stealth, poisons, and drugs makes them very deadly indeed.

The espionage unit is highly exclusive and only the most elite infiltrators are allowed; these units focus on gathering sensitive information – battle schematics/plans, measurements of terrain, fortress blue prints, decoding enemy communication, discovering backdoor deals and royal secrets, weapon and technological development, economic and political undercurrents – and the sabotage of critical enemy operations. All from behind enemy lines and without getting caught. If faced with combat, they use magic and stealth to bolster critical, incapacitating strikes to the enemy and are much more focused on survival through stealth, speed, and deception.


Spades 24

diamonds 8

hears 20


spades 16

hearts 16

diamonds 12

clubs 8


diamond 20

heart 16

club 16



One Act (technique)

Bloodlust (stance)


Paired Praxis (stance)

Second Arrow (technique)


Three Defilements (technique)

Sever the Edge (stance)


Four Wheels of Fire (Technique)

Mindset of a Killer (Stance)


The Five Poisons (Technique)

Honor No Honor (Stance)


Six Sun (Technique)

Explosive (Stance)


Cherry Blossom (Stance)

Zero Soul (Technique)


The Silver Stem (stance)

Blades of Grass (Technique)


The Floating World (stance)

Brush With Death (Technique)


Light, Medium, Heavy armor

Can't be panicked

Bonus against fear

Immovable Wisdom

Black Heart

Unfettered Mind
Without A Second

Moon by the Window
Gentle Glory

Illuminated Heart
Raised Spirit

Hidden Fortress
Self No Self

Essence of the Void

Magnificent Jewel

Raft and River

Burned Down House

Broken Cycle

Inner Peace

CLUBS – 64

Dark Deeds

Traitorous Gaze


Green Skies

Terror and Mayhem


Cloud of Judgment

Haunted Forest

Ruined Psyche

Tengu Technique -- teleport (sight); fly; or shapeshift

Enemy of the Soul

Astral Net

DIAMONDS – 20/40/60/80

Noble Silence (attacks make no sound)

Peaceful Walk (do not provoke attack of opportunity)

Howling Dark (surround yourself in darkness)

Dark Spring (decreased fall damage)

Path of Sorrow (adds WIS damage in path)

Central Stillness (Passive: ADR, increased WIS INT CHA saves)

The Advantage (flanking adds 10-25 ATT% and 1-5 damage)

Path of Annihilation (damage bonus, Sneak Attack dice)

Hot gravel step (increased movement speed, 2x speed when sprinting, no penalty while sneaking)

Flight of Fancy (increased leap distance and height)

Thunder Fall (all leap attacks have a chance to stagger opponent prone)

Winds of Chaos (movement causes chaos magic)

Path of the Fallen (DR, ADR)

Lotus Throne (Defense % and DR increase against projectiles while not moving)

The Drop Sound (can change stances at any time as free action)

Spiral of Silence (cause anti-magic field)


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