Equipment Progression Paradigm
max bonus for 5 piece (armor sets)
skill % DR Saves Movement Damage
LIGHT 25% 1 +25% all +5 +5
MEDIUM 25% 2/3 +25% eva/+15% etc +3 +4
HEAVY 25% 4/5 +25% end/+10% etc +1 +3
max bonus per piece (weapon, shield, jewelry)
skill damage defense
weapon (2h) +10% +5 damage 2 dr, 10% parry (melee), 10% dodge (range)
weapon (1h) +5% +3 damage 1 DR, 5% evasion, 5% parry
shield (1h) +5% +1 damage 2 DR, 5% endurance, +1 ADR
shield (2h) +10% +1 damage 3 DR, 10% endurance, +2 ADR
ring +5% +1 damage 5% saves, 1 mov, 1 DR, +5% abi, 1 ADR
necklace +5% +1 damage 5% saves, 1 mov, 1 DR, +5% abi, 1 ADR
max ability bonus per piece
LIGHT 1-5% (any)
WEAPON (2h) 2-10% (STR, AGI)
WEAPON (1h) 1-5% (STR, AGI)
SHIELD (1h) 1-5% (STR, END)
SHIELD (2h) 2-10% (STR, END)
shield (1h/2h) jewel weapon 1 weapon 2 armor 5 piece
1/2 % save 1% save 1% skill 2% skill 1% save 1 DR
1/2 % skill 1% skill 1 % abi 2% abi 1% skill 1 DAM
1/2 % abi 1% abi 1 dam 1 dam 1% abi 1 MOV
0/1 DR
shield jewel weapon 1 weapon 2 armor 5 piece
2/4% save 2% save 2 % skill 4% skill 2% save 2 DR
2/4% skill 2% skill 2% abi 4% abi 2% skill 2 DAM
2/4% abi 2% abi 1 dam 2 dam 2% abi 2 MOV
1/1 DR
shield jewel weapon 1 weapon 2 armor 5 piece
3/6% save 3% save 3% skill 6% skill 3% save 3 DR
3/6% skill 3% skill 3% abi 6% abi 3% skill 3 DAM
3/6% abi 3% abi 2 dam 3 dam 3% abi 3 MOV
1/2 DR
shield jewel weapon 1 weapon 2 armor 5 piece
4/8% save 4% save 4% skill 8% skill 4% save 4 DR
4/8% skill 4% skill 4% abi 8% abi 4% skill 4 DAM
4/8% abi 4% abi 2 dam 4 dam 4% abi 4 MOV
2/2 DR
shield jewel weapon 1 weapon 2 armor 5 piece
5/10% save 5% save 5% skill 10% skill 5% save 5 DR
5/10% skill 5% skill 5% abi 10% abi 5% skill 5 DAM
5/10% abi 5% abi 3 dam 5 dam 5% abi 5 MOV
2/3 DR
randomized loot:
1 weapon, martial
2 armor, light
3 jewelry
4 shield
5 armor, medium
6 armor, heavy
7 weapon, magic
8 totem
9 gem
10 scroll
armor body pieces:
1 head
2 shoulder
3 cloak
4 chest
5 hands
6 hands
7 belt
8 belt
9 boots
10 boots
RANDOMIZED LOOT TABLE: after figuring out what loot has dropped, roll 1d100 to determine how powerful or rare the item is.
1-60: tier one
61-90: tier two
91-99: tier three
100: tier four, and roll again to see if you get a tier 5:
1-90: tier four
91-100: tier five
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